Category: Weight Loss
The Mental Health Effects of Weight Stigma & Why We Have To Stop Pushing Diet and Exercise As a “Solution”
I have been working lately with Roni Davis in helping patients understand the concept of “Healthy Weight” and how weight loss. Roni has been through the cycle of regular person, regular person who became concerned with weight gain, regular person who went through diet weight loss and weight gain, regular person who struggled with their…
Are Your Thoughts Creating Your Results?
There are many reasons that people struggle with their weight and food for their entire lives – their thoughts are right up there among the biggest. I have seen this scenario play out a million times in people everywhere — hell, I lived it. Our thoughts are creating our results. You look in the mirror…
Why do so many people struggle with weight loss or eating healthier? Guest Post by Roni Davis
What I used to think:There’s so much wrong information out there, most people just don’t know what they’re supposed to be eating and when. I have found the clean eating answer that everyone needs! What I now know:Knowing what we’re “supposed to” be eating is soo NOT the problem. There are literally billions of pieces…
My 11 Commandments of Weight
The first of January inevitably brings on a list of common resolutions among your patients as well as yourself as a professional. Most of these are directed towards what we perceive as something that will lead to a healthier, if not happier life. With any luck it results in both. A while back I wrote…
Pharmacy Starts Healthy Cooking Class for Its Patients Families
In 2015 I took four months to film a healthy grocery shopping tour with the help of a local filmmaker where I went through all areas of the grocery store to help people make healthy choices for themselves and their family. In the 40 minutes of video, the opening scene stresses the importance of…
New Senate Proposed Sugary Beverage Tax - The Real Benefit Isn’t Lower Obesity Rates
The month of March ushered in news of a new report entitled “Obesity in Canada”. Submitted by the Senate, this report was a 21 recommendation paper to try and constructively address the growing concern of why Canadians are following its Southern neighbors in growing rates of obesity in both children and adults. In fact there…
Pharmacy Sugary Drink Withdrawal and the New WHO Sugar Guidelines
In response to my decision to remove sugary drinks from my pharmacy in September of 2014, there seem to be the odd lingering claim that “…targeting the sale of one particular category is not going to have a significant impact [on obesity]”, and that “information – not restriction – is key.” While we agree with…
Physical weight loss without Psychology is a losing plan
If you are timid about wading into the weight loss realm, either as a practitioner or as a user, there may be many reasons for that. One of the biggest may not be cost, confidence or will power, it may be the stigma of either paying someone for your weight loss or charging someone for…